

WORK & LIFE BALANCE: We are driving the culture of work-life balance.

As a lifestyle company, we offer the largest number of lifestyle benefits to our members, including benefits for daily convenience, such as 40 percent discount at CJ affiliates and exclusive discounts at CJ mall, as well as benefits for leisure and cultural life, such as discounts for various performances and accommodation discounts at overseas condos.

  • 01 Life and convenience

    Your real life begins when you get off work.

    • 40% discount at CJ affiliates (Tous Les Jours, VIPS, Olive Young, Mongjungheon, CGV, CJ the market, etc.)
    • Cafeteria point benefits 1,000p per year (equivalent to 1 million won) that can be used according to individual needs
    • Wedding benefits
    • CJ Mall employee special discount
    • Bereavement support
    • Birthday coupons, etc.
  • 02Leisure and cultural life

    Enrich your leisure life.

    • Domestic accommodation support (available through partnerships with various accommodation facilities such as condos, hotels, and resorts nationwide)
    • Overseas travel support
    • Car rentals in Jeju Island
    • Seoul N Tower, Jeju Nine Bridges
      • Discount benefits at N Tower, the best attraction in Seoul operated by CJ N-City
      • Nine Bridges, the world’s 49th and Korea’s No. 1 golf club operated by CJ E&C, accommodation support and 50% discount on food and beverages
    • Special offers on cultural and artistic performances
    • In-house club activity support
  • 03Health

    We put the health of our members first.

    • Health screenings
    • Medical benefits
    • Counseling For You (psychological counseling service)
    • Pregnancy gift and taxi coupons
    • Prenatal examination leave
    • Childbirth gifts for employees and their spouses
    • Fertility benefits
    • Childcare benefits for employees who have children with disabilities
    • Medical benefits for employees who have children with congenital heart disease
  • 04Housing and self-development

    Make your life richer.

    • 20 million won interest-free home loan
    • Housing assistance for employees from non-metropolitan regions
    • Moving and relocation allowances
    • Child education allowance (for actual expenses)
    • CJ Kidsville (in-house daycare center)
    • Foreign language proficiency test fees
    • Electronic library (e-Book) service

"CJ OliveNetworks is a company that helps you grow in career
as well as provides quality welfare."

Kim Hee ju, Communication Team

Work Anywhere: You can decide where you immerse yourself in your work.

CJ is committed to providing a flexible work environment where its members can fully immerse themselves in their work.
Thanks to office sharing with our affiliates located in various areas, our employees can commute to and from the workplace closest to their residence.
We will further expanded the scope of CJ Work On, our satellite office system, so that our employees can work not only at our offices in Seoul, but also at offices in various locations across the country.

“I can increase my work efficiency by choosing the place and time to work according to my schedule.”

Shin Su jung, Content Commerce Team

CJ OliveNetworks’ culture for a smart company life

CJ provides a break from work and daily duties and supports various activities to inspire creativity and a spirit of challenge.

  • In-hous clubs

    #Have Fun Together

    We encourage in-house club activities so that our members can take a break from their work, find joy, and unleash their talents and passion.
    Various clubs, such as soccer, baseball, mountain climbing, and DIY clubs, are actively operated, contributing to increasing exchanges between employees from different departments, forming a band among them.


    #Take a Break and Relax

    Creative Week is a system to grant a paid leave to our long-term employees, which is designed to provide opportunities for them to work on self-improvement, developing their career and broadening their experience. Two weeks of paid leave is granted to those with more than 3, 5, 7, and 10 years of continuous employment, and two weeks of paid leave for every 5 years of employment to those with 10 or more years of continuous employment.

  • Flexible working hours

    #Self-Directed Working Environment That Increases Focus

    We support our members to take charge of their lifestyles through a flexible working hour system. Our flexible working hour system, consisting of flexible working hours, selective working hours, and staggered hours, allows employees to choose when to start and end work, which increases their focus on work.

CJ OliveNetworks’ culture for a smart company life
  • New business project incubation program

    #A New Beginning Starts Here

    Kairos-Lab is a new business incubation program operated by CJ OliveNetworks to quickly examine new ideas, verify their marketability, and develop them into a new source of growth for the company. A business idea developed into a business project through Kairos-Lab is reviewed to determine whether it will be terminated or carried out as a spin-in or spin-out. If the project is successfully commercialized, rewards will be given to those who have participated in the project.

  • Horizontal and uninhibited organizational culture

    #A Culture Where Everyone Is Equal

    CJ is committed to promoting a horizontal corporate culture. To this end, we encourage our members to call each other by name rather than title, which facilitates mutual respect and caring. In addition, we eliminated the company's dress code to create a free, unrestrained working environment.

  • Working from home

    #All You Need is Your Laptop

    We allow our members to work from home twice a week.
    Through the remote work system, the members can choose a place to work, which helps them increase focus on their work, generating various achievements.
    By adopting the twice-a-week remote work system, we drive innovation in the way we work.

  • ON Match

    #Work Hard, Play Hard

    We annually hold ON Match, a company-wide sporting event to promote harmony and communication among our members.
    Different games have been held each year, including bowling tournaments, badminton matches, online gaming tournaments, and darts competitions.
    Through ON Match, we motivate our members to “work hard and play hard.”

CJ OliveNetworks’ culture for a smart company life
  • Open communication

    #Bottom-up Communication

    CJ OliveNetworks keeps its anonymous communication channels open to listen to the diverse voices of its members.
    Its Bamboo Forest is an anonymous message board where anyone can freely express his or her opinion on the right direction in which the company should be headed. ON-LIVE Q&A is an in-house livestream broadcast for open communication where the members leave comments containing questions or problems for the management, and the management answers their questions or provide solutions.
    These anonymous communication channels enable any member to leave a comment voicing their opinion anytime and anywhere, and the management will directly check the content if it is considered important.

  • Psychological counseling service

    #Time to Relax Your Mind

    We provide psychological counseling service for emotional wellness of our members. Through the service, members can receive counseling anonymously for difficulties that arise in the workplace, personal life, and family. We will provide continuous support for our members through the counseling service until they find peace of mind.

  • Childcare leave

    #Support Work-Family Balance

    We grant childcare leave to employees with children entering elementary school to promote work-family balance. Two weeks of paid leave and two weeks of unpaid leave are granted, which means a maximum of 4 weeks of leave. Splitting the leave is allowed only once. We support our employees with children entering elementary school to make sure their work does not affect their childcare.

CJ OliveNetworks’ culture for a smart company life

Make Stories Together

Lead changes in space and daily life with digital technology and data.
We look forward to your joining us in creating the story of CJ OliveNetworks together.

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