
Smart Business

We offer a total human resources development (HRD) service online

E-Learning Service

From the development of customized educational
content to the establishment of a user-oriented HRD platform,
a wide range of HRD-related services are provided.

Our service provides an educational environment that facilitates the enhancement of the capabilities of the organization as well as its individual members.

A comprehensive service, is provided to boost the effectiveness and efficiency of the entire HRD process: online and offline training, formal and informal learning, the platform operation service.

Customers We Serve

  • We need employee training tailored to our business!

    We provide various content for employee training, including e-learning, microlearning, and group training, optimized for your business.

  • We’d like to develop performance-oriented training content!

    We develop training content that creates visible outcomes according to learners' work goals and learning needs.

  • We need an environment optimized for around-the-clock learning!

    We offer a smart learning environment with the UX/UI optimized for mobile devices, facilitating around-the-clock learning.

Main Services

  • Development of Customized Training Content

    We create customized content to meet the training purposes and needs of your business. With the training content customized to your business, your training activities can lead to desired business outcomes by enhancing the capabilities of the executives and employees.

  • Systematic and Stable Training Services

    We offer training services to improve the management capabilities, leadership, job and foreign language competencies of your executives and employees. Based on a standardized process consisting of enrollment, introduction, progress management, evaluation, and completion, efficient and systematic training services are provided according to the characteristics of the curriculum.

  • Development and Management of the HRD Platform

    We develop and manage an integrated, one-stop learning platform, integrating online and offline training, and formal and informal learning. By integrating all available learning resources, we provide an edu-tech-based smart education environment optimized for HRD.

Differentiated Features

  1. System-oriented

    Approval for training courses, curriculum management, cost management, training history management, and management of external training courses, which were previously managed as individual files, can all be checked and managed on a single online platform.

    The platform minimizes the inefficiency and data inconsistency caused by managing files individually, securing work efficiency and data accuracy through the system linked to database. In addition, the flow of training costs can be clearly identified, which can be used for strategic decision-making.

  2. Field-oriented
    Micro Learning

    Using the function that can provide various microlearning, anyone, including a HRD manager and an in-house specialist, can easily upload training content, such as videos, audio materials, “card news,” web links, PDFs, and quizzes, and utilize the uploaded microlearning content to create a curriculum.

Customer Cases

  • CJ HumanVille

    CJ HumanVille

    Construction of CJ Group's integrated HRD platform

    Provision of microlearning content such as videos, audio materials, card news, web links, and PDFs Curation of learner-tailored training content Functions to launch and subscribe to education channels on various topics.

  • CJ Corporation, etc.

    CJ Corporation, etc.

    Planning and production of various in-house training content, various training services

    Operation of group-specific training sessions, including CJ Group’s Code of Conduct-CJ Employee’s Pledge, PMDS+Continuous Performance Management, and Integrity that Should Be Practiced by All Executives and Employees as well as the production of content for statutory training, such as CJ Group Information Protection Training, Healthy CJ: Mutual Respect in the Workplace, and Disability Awareness in the Workplace.

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and we will respond as soon as possible.


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Consent to the Collection and Use of Personal Information (Required)

1. Purpose: Provision of responses for customer inquiries and management of inquiry status
2. Collection Items: Name, contact information, e-mail address, company
3. Retention Period: For 36 months from the date on which the consent is given

You have the right to refuse to provide consent to the collection and use of your personal information. However, please note that if you fail to provide consent, the submission of your inquiry will be restricted.

※ CJ OliveNetworks does not collect the personal information of a minor under the age of 14.

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* You can send up to 10 MB in attachments. Supported file formats: zip, pdf, hwp, ppt, pptx, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, jpg, jpeg, png, gif

Consent to the Collection and Use of Personal Information (Required)

1. Purpose: Provision of responses for customer inquiries and management of inquiry status
2. Collection Items: Name, contact information, e-mail address, company
3. Retention Period: For 36 months from the date on which the consent is given

You have the right to refuse to provide consent to the collection and use of your personal information. However, please note that if you fail to provide consent, the submission of your inquiry will be restricted.

※ CJ OliveNetworks does not collect the personal information of a minor under the age of 14.