Sustainable Supply Chain

CJ OliveNetworks has introduced and is faithfully implementing the four subcontracting fair trade practices established and revised by the Fair Trade Commission.

Four Fair Trade Practices

  • Partner selection and operation guidelines

    We enhance transparency and fairness in the process of selecting and operating partners

  • Guidelines for desirable contract conclusion for win-win cooperation between large and small businesses

    We establish a reasonable and fair trade environment by presenting the contents that must be observed when concluding contracts between large and small businesses.

  • Guidelines for desirable document issuance and preservation in subcontracting transactions

    We specifically present compliance matters related to the issuance and preservation of documents during the conclusion of subcontracts and transactions.

  • Guidelines for installation and operation of an internal review committee for subcontract transactions

    We establish order in subcontracting transactions by pre-examining the fairness and legality of subcontracting transactions over a certain size.